Yi-Ting Hsu

Assistant Professor, Physics

Photo of Yi-Ting Hsu
312 Nieuwland Science Hall
+1 (574) 631-5856

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Cornell University, 2017
  • B.S., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2010

Research Interests

Prof. Hsu's research interests lie in theoretical studies of emergent phenomena in quantum many-body systems driven by intertwined symmetries, topology, and interactions.

Her focus is to understand and characterize new phases of matter emerging from such systems, as well as to search for their realizations.   

Particular topics that Prof. Hsu is currently excited about (but not limited to):

  1. topological phases protected by crystalline symmetries,
  2. unconventional superconductivity,
  3. correlated phases in van der Waals materials (including moire systems),
  4. dynamical phases in isolated quantum systems, and
  5. machine-learning application to condensed matter problems.